Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Computer Languages

A computer actually cannot perform any task automatically, as it does not have any thinking power like human. Computers are just machine or tools. We must instruct or teach them to do all the jobs we want to do. The basic task of a computer is to solve problems and process data provided by us. Computers cannot solve problems on their own. They do what we teach or tell them to do. They do not have reasoning ability of their own. So, we have to provide instructions to computers to carry out a given task. We use languages to communicate with one another. No communication is possible without a language.
Computer Language in Detail
There are many languages used to communicate with the computers and they are simpler in structure. One statement conveys only one message to the computer, which makes the computer language precise. They have strict grammar and have very few rules compared to natural languages.
We communicate to the computer in form of instructions and data and the computer does the same with the results. We provide instructions to solve a particular problem and a computer solves it according to our instructions.
Computer language is an artificial language that specifies instructions to be executed on a computer.
Based on the nature of the languages, they are divided mainly in two categories:

A.     Low Level Languages: -
Low level languages are the languages, which are machine oriented, i.e. they are easily understood by computers compared to human.

B.     High Level Languages: -
There are many high level languages in use today. They take less time to program and the programs written in them can be transported from one computer to another without having to make changes. The use of these languages reduces the need to have a detailed knowledge of the computer architecture as opposed to low level languages. Therefore example: BASIC, COLBOL, FORTAIN, C, C⁺⁺⁺, etc.

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