Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The computer

Among all the scientific inventions, one of the most important scientific inventions is the computer. The computers are awesome invention and came into existence since long period of time .A computer can do lots of things. It can search through millions pieces of information’s in a few seconds. Writing, drawing, and designing are some common thing that a computer can do. Today we can find computer everywhere at every organization’s, home and at various other places. Now a day’s computer is one of the most important for various kinds of day to day works and for various specialized works. The computer is also considered as one of the most important means of communications. Through the help of the computer there is frequent development in science and technology. The computer helps in complex operations, it can find and identify the viruses, and it can also take video and pictures of internal part human body. The computer can keep alive a dying person for any amount of time in life supporting system. Scientists can test new medicines on a computer to find out if it will work well on human. There is uncountable importance of computer in this world and without the help of computers there is less possibility of further development of the human.

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